Tuesday, 18th February Coffee Morning in Crossing Cottage Garden 10 am to 12 noon
Saturday, 22nd February Indoor Bric-a-Brac Sale in Methodist Church Hall, Ashlyn's Road 10:30 am to 1:30 pm Admission £1
Friday 18th to Monday 21st April Bank Holiday Opening with display by Clacton Camera Club and New Temporary Exhibition in Crossing Cottage Garden
Saturday, 26th April Spring Fair in Crossing Cottage 10:30 am to 1 pm Admission £1
Saturday, 10th May Celebration of Second World War Peace in Crossing Cottage visit by Winston Churchill
Tuesday, 27th May AGM at McGrigor Hall 7:30 pm
Friday, 20th June Members Mid-summer Barbecue with Bring your own drink in Crossing Cottage Garden
Saturday, 26th July Bric-a-Brac Sale in Crossing Cottage Garden 10 am to 12 noon Admission £1
Saturday, 11th October Apple Day in Crossing Cottage Garden 10 am to 12 noon Admission £1
Winter Social Evenings Talks.
McGrigor Hall, Fourth Ave, Frinton on Sea for 7:30 pm 7:00
Admission £5 Members , £7 non-members, Tea and Coffee available from 7 pm
Tuesday, 4th March Trinity House, its History and Work by Karl Lumbers
Karl will talk on the history and on-going work of Trinity House, taking us back to the granting of a Royal Charter in 1514 to the management of lighthouses, bouts, light-vessels and beacons in 2025
*Members and Guests only - Join the Trust & join in the fun
Please Note: Book with Linda Ellis Tel 01255 852993 or Email secretary@fwheritage.co.uk
Would Trust members please bring their membership cards to member only events.
Interested in becoming a Trust member then download a form or email membership.secretary@fwheritage.co.uk